

Japanese stuff - 01

Ok... now I'm being random.

Decided to learn Japanese like quite a long time but my routine is messed up and really should pay attention to it. Plus my dawg woke me up in a foul mood and don't know why I'm posting.

I took up Pimsleur and basically don't have a book that suppose to come with so... this will be an open book. Don't ask... I love talking sh!t. LOL!!

Anyways... with basic sentences and notes that I have read, they will be added.


I am American. (Well... I'm not but that sucks)
Watashi wa (ha - note later) Amerikajin desu.

***Note - the use of wa/ha=は***
It's weird but は is pronounced the same as わ, it's Japanese grammar for you. But anyways... は is used to mark the topic sentence and to express contrast, in short it means that it's you're giving a comment. The topic is what is being spoken or written about. Most Japanese sentences ofter begins by stating a topic, about which a comment is then made.

This tends to boggle people, I know... I'm one of them but that way I have to look at it, it's like this... (taken from Oxford Verbs and Grammar.)

Sushi: it's delicious
Sushi wa oishii

は tends to be the open topic to mostly everything, that you can ask about that topic. So, what ever you put at the beginning which is the main topic of conversation, the listen can answer in open reply whether it's a comment, an answer or a question. So in follow up from the Sushi, you could say whether if it's expensive or filling etc.


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