

Holiday to Japan?

I got bored, so I decided to talk about Japan. I love going there... It's quite an experience, the first was when my bro paid a trip for me to go for 3 weeks ish. It was great. I couldn't get enough and didn't feel like leaving but had to. It took a while for me to save up and go back again 5 years later in 2009 with some mates that I met online.

So... why bother write about it... well. I pretty much enjoyed it soo much with no problems I thought that it wouldn't be nice to help out people who really want to go and don't have that much information on what to do and get around. I have the booklets of places that I went and explored in places. LOL! I saved alot and it took alot of weight in my luggage. My mates thought I was mad to keep them since some of them used them and chuck them away in the bin. The booklets will either be written on or ripped to shreds because I just shoved them in my bag or constantly using them, so sorry about that.

I have to say, hopefully some random person who wants information could feel at ease when walking around the places that I've been going to. There's a few that I would avoid because either 1. I haven't been there or 2. It's not a place that I would venture cos it has no interest to me. So, it's a mixture depending on where you want to go when reading the stuff that I'm posting. I'm more towards walks to temples, games/anime related and random things. Most of the random places are now in my backlogged list of places that I wanted to go the next time that head back (which will be some time).

So I hope that it will help someone that are heading over there for a holiday or needs information on stuff. I have to note that I ventured on my own, mostly meaning that I wasn't with a tour guide or package holiday so it's different experience. Even if you are with a tour guide you can still go out for a while but make sure that it's possible to have the time to venture the area and not breaking the rules or lose track of the rest of the journey.

I will have notes of places, have scans that can look at and post up links of the place as well. I just hope that it will be useful and help enjoy the trip with a little extra. (^u^ )

Roughly what the posts contains.

1. What you need to know - The vital information that you should need before heading over there.

2. Places

This is in the editing/working process

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